Choose Us
1. Get pre-verified and vetted profiles from day 0.
2. Industry leading joining ratio.
3. More than 100+ happy clients
4. Dedicated Account Reps for all your hiring needs
Our Work
Flexi Hired led the initiative to amplify the reach to relevant TGs. Efficient and Impact-focused work delivered.
My Inbound leads for CXOs spiked to 200% when Flexi Hired started engaging. Also got featured on India Today and Linkedin News.
Increased our ROI 50X in 30 days with their Researched content; they are champs. My second connection started reaching out to me after availing services from Flexi Hired
Collaborated with Gaurav for and event and he lead the whole initiative to amplify the reach to relevant TGs. Very effective and Impact focused work delivered by Gaurav and his team!
We reached out before winning the award and started working with them for CXOs profiles on Linkedin, and we saw 150X growth in Inbound leads.
They connected us with the most extensive media house/ecosystem enablers and helped us build the funnel through that. I see the potential in their company to become the major LinkedIn house.
I run a 300 recruiter team, and our LinkedIn company page was stuck under 50k, and now we have crossed 150k+ in a year, and I touched 100 Cr revenue. Thanks, Flexi Hired, for the amazing outputs.